Monday, October 31, 2016

So it's Halloween

I live in a quiet neighborhood, so there isn't going be much going on.  There aren't any kids that live on our street (well, there is one family, but they don't Trick or Treat on our street, they go somewhere else.  If I would hazard a guess I would say a few blocks down where the families are younger. I say "blocks" but we don't really have blocks, just long streets and then streets that come off of them where some go to cul-de-sacs. We also don't have sidewalks. A few blocks down they do have sidewalks.  I'm telling you, where I live can be a little weird. So....yeah...)

I celebrated on Saturday at my sister's annual Halloween party.  It was cool, except for the fact that I felt like death warmed over on Sunday.  Ok, reading that sentence back that is kinda funny...other than it didn't feel funny.  I can't even drink alcohol, so I couldn't blame a hangover.  Nope, just my normal migraines and cat allergies.

So, I just wanted to let anyone reading this know:  I wish I was one of those people who could go out and have a great social life; do things like Quizzo or clubs (and why isn't Team Pictionary/Win, Lose or Draw more popular than it actually is???), but I never really know how I'm going to feel from one day to the next.  How bad my head is going to hurt, how worn out my meds are going to make me, etc.  So these blogs I have are really my only connection to everyone in the outside world.

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